How do we make this a live website

Dear Kodis

this is A N Rao from the 1st batch. After a long hibernation, we have been really active - as a batch - in involving with the school, participating , contributing and working hard to give back to the place that laid our foundations solidly.

I come across this site in my quest to connect with you all. Thank you for creating this.

But I see that the content is really obsolete and this doesn't look managed. Most content has not been updated after 2010.

Is there a way we can breathe life back into this website and this forum and take it upon ourselves to bring in as many more people as possible?

A question / concern. : I registered yesterday and I received a message from the alumni foundation but with a message from someone who appeared completely unrelated, seeking financial support to fight disease. Was this intended or has the site become accessible for unintended folks.

Either way, delighted to be here and looking forward to connecting with many of you

We just returned from an awesome 2 days at the school... happy to share the pictures, but I want to get in touch with the webmaster managing the site

warmest personal regards... a n rao (1972-75)

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    Rajupalem Butchi Rajarao

    Good introduction with proper intervention.Hope the best.    RBR.

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      Nagaraju Neeluri

      Hi A N Rao Sir,

      We (Alumni) glad to see wonderful activities done by 1st Batch Students at our school.

      Since Facebook dominated social connections, all our group members are active in "APRSK@KODIGENAHALLI".

      The site will be kept up to date going forward. Thanks for bringing  fake messages into notice.

      Pls  forward the details of spam  messages to "",

      the  application support team will look into it.


      (Aka) NNR (1992)

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        Nagaraju Neeluri

        Hi A N Rao Sir,

        The members list has been filtered, and removed one unidentified id.

        We regret for the inconvience caused.
