Software Engineers

Software Engineers
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    i have selected for cts techncal. can any body help me out?

    i am from ECE. my technical is on 12 january.

  • Sivaprasad Kotta

    I don't see any latest discussions on this page. Have we migrated to any other site. I see a huge opportunity in software industry. I think it's the time to help our juniors to get into this field. Let me know if any one needs any kind of help . By now we have people in all kinds of industries and various big positions. Helping each other is a natural habbit for all of us at APRSK. Let's put to practice. Siva Kotta 919 645 8723

  • Sivaprasad Kotta

    I don't see any latest discussions on this page. Have we migrated to any other site. I see a huge opportunity in software industry. I think it's the time to help our juniors to get into this field. Let me know if any one needs any kind of help . By now we have people in all kinds of industries and various big positions. Helping each other is a natural habbit for all of us at APRSK. Let's put to practice. Siva Kotta 919 645 8723